Image 1798Madrid-Sancha-02-005 
Illustration No. 1     
Illustrator Luis Paret y Alcázar 
Engraver Juan Moreno Tejada 
Title Caption  
Title Supplied Don Quixote writes love poems at Sierra Morena 
Part Part I, Madrid 1605  
Chapter Chapter 26 
Subject 26.1 DQ love madness
Illustration Type Head vignette
Technique Etching (acquaforte)
Burin engraving
Color Black and white 
Volume II 
Page Number 241 
Image Dimension 43 x 53 
Page Dimension 132 x 90 
Commentary Don Quixote's penance at Sierra Morena; don Quixote decides not to imitate Beltenebros' penance, so he does not get undressed and writes some love poems to Dulcinea over the trees; he also makes a rosary; "Y sirviéronle de rosario unas agallas grandes de un alcornoque que ensartó, de que hizo un diez" (26:1). His helmet appears abandoned on bottom left corner.
Good burin engraving (fine lines; see don Quixote's figure) with etching (details, leaves, trees...).
Don Quixote's body is almost muscular and young; his right arm is lightly disproportioned. 
Notes It includes reference "P. 244".