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Image 1707-Amsterdam-Graal-01-001-f 
Illustration No. 1     
Illustrator Laurens Scherm 
Engraver Laurens Scherm 
Title Caption Don QUICHOT Ridder van de Leeuwen. 
Title Supplied  
Part Part I, Madrid 1605  
Chapter 02. Frontispiece 
Subject 02.2 Quixote illustration
Illustration Type Frontispiece
Technique Burin engraving
Color Black and white 
Page Number Prev. to title page. 
Image Dimension 142 x 85 
Page Dimension 160 x 102 
Commentary In the foreground, don Quixote, wearing his barber basin, kneels before Dulcinea, who moves away.
In the middle ground, Sancho with Rocinante and his donkey (right), Roland and Amadis (center) and Merlin (left).
In the background, on a wall-pedestal, don Quixote represented as Knight of the Lion.
Good engraving; the frontispiece has been resolved with care; notice some details in faces and gestures. 
Notes 1 - Frontispiece created with elements after Savery's frontispieces (Dordrecht: Savery, 1657).
Don Quixote, Sancho, his donkey, Rocinante, Amadis, Roland and Dulcinea appeared in part I frontispiece.
Merlin and don Quixote as Knight of the Lion appeared in part II frontispiece.
2 - Same plate first used for Amsterdam: Willem van Lamsveld, 1696.