Image 1738London-04-015 
Illustration No. 1     
Illustrator John Vanderbank 
Engraver Gerard van der Gucht 
Title Caption  
Title Supplied Roque Guinart punishes one of his bandits 
Part Part II, Madrid 1615  
Chapter Chapter 60 
Subject 60.2 DQ meets Roque Guinart, the bandit, on his way to Barcelona
60.4 The bandits capture some pilgrims, gentlemen and ladies
Illustration Type Chapter illustration
Technique Etching (acquaforte)
Burin engraving
Color Black and white 
Volume IV 
Page Number f.p. 260 
Image Dimension 247 x 186 
Page Dimension 281 x 223 
Commentary Roque Guinart, in the center of the composition, punishes one of his bandits for protesting.
Don Quixote, Sancho, the captured pilgrims and soldiers and other bandits observe the scene.
Vanderbank's illustration is less cruel than Cervantes' description.
In the text, "Roque, echándose mano a la espada, le abrió la cabeza casi en dos partes iguales, diciéndole: de esta manera castigo yo a los deslenguados, y atrevidos" (60:2).
Drawing and engraving are masterly; illustration of excellent quality; Guinart's figure is especially remarkable. 