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Image 1731-London-Walthoe-03-006 
Illustration No. 1     
Illustrator Charles-Antoine Coypel (copied after) 
Engraver Gerard van der Gucht 
Title Caption The Entry of Love and Wealth at Camacho's Wedding 
Title Supplied  
Part Part II, Madrid 1615  
Chapter Chapter 20 
Subject 20.1 Wedding of Camacho
Illustration Type Chapter illustration
Technique Burin engraving
Color Black and white 
Volume III 
Page Number f.p. 133 
Image Dimension 120 x 131 
Page Dimension 160 x 160 
Commentary Well-ballanced composition; in the center, Cupid, dancing in front of a castle where a Virgin is protected.
On the left, as part of Cupid's retinue, Poetry (with Fame's trumpet), Prudence (as a prudent virgin with a small oil lamp), Nobility/Valour (with a crown) and Wisdom (Athena); Wisdom does not appear in Cervantes' original text, but she does in the French translations (Sagesse).
On the right, Wealth's retinue: Liberality (with the cornucopia and a pair of compasses) and Largesse.
They should also appear Treasure and Quiet Possession, but Coypel has not represented them.
The first retinue refers to Basilio, the second one to Camacho.
Sancho eats while don Quixote observes this performance.
Rich and great scene in keeping with 18th century liking for court theater and allegorical and symbolic literature.
Drawing and engraving are excellent. 
Notes 1 - Same plate first engraved for London: Knaplock, 1725; turned copy after Coypel’s illustration engraved by Hortemels (Paris: Surugue, c. 1724).
2 - In 1731 edition, volume III is in tome II; in 1725, there were four tomes.