Image 1863Paris-Hachette-01-111 
Illustration No. 1     
Illustrator Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré 
Engraver Héliodore Joseph Pisan 
Title Caption  
Title Supplied Anselmo hidden behind a curtain with the allegory of death 
Part Part I, Madrid 1605  
Chapter Chapter 34 
Subject 34.1 Reading of El curioso impertinente continues
Illustration Type Tailpiece
Technique Wood engraving or Xylography
Color Black and white 
Page Number 290 
Image Dimension 116 x 78 
Page Dimension 433 x 313 
Commentary Doré, again, creates an image about the tale of EL Curioso Impertinente with quite a dark meaning.
This scene nevers happens, but it is something that Anselmo expects to happen; "Escondido, pues, Anselmo, con aquel sobresalto que se puede imaginar que tendría el que esperaba ver por sus ojos hacer notomía de las entrañas de su honra, íbase a pique de perder el sumo bien que él pensaba que tenía en su querida Camila" (34:1).
Alselmo, hidden behind a curtain, expects to surprize Camila with her lover, what makes him feel a great pain (the allegory of death).
Very interesting image. 