click to enlarge |
Image | 1842-London-Bohn-01-188 |
Illustration No. | 1   |
Illustrator | Tony Johannot |
Engraver | Unknown |
Lithographer | |
Title Caption | |
Title Supplied | A fly |
Part | Part I, Madrid 1605 |
Chapter | Chapter 29 |
Subject | |
Illustration Type |
Tailpiece |
Technique |
Wood engraving or Xylography |
Color | Black and white |
Volume | I |
Page Number | 363 |
Image Dimension | 35 x 35 |
Page Dimension | 250 x 155 |
Commentary | Reference to one of the metaphors used by the priest; "debía de estar fuera
de juicio, o debe de ser tan grande bellaco como ellos, o algún hombre sin alma, y sin conciencia, pues quiso soltar al lobo entre las ovejas, a la raposa entre las gallinas, a la mosca entre la miel" (29:1). |
Notes | 1 - Same tailpiece and wooden block first used for Paris: Dubochet, 1836-37. |