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Image 1836-1837-Paris-Dubochet-01-269 
Illustration No. 1     
Illustrator Tony Johannot 
Engraver Lacoste, father and sons 
Title Caption  
Title Supplied The captive with his comrades 
Part Part I, Madrid 1605  
Chapter Chapter 40 
Subject 40.1 Captive’s tale continues
Illustration Type Vignette
Technique Wood engraving or Xylography
Color Black and white 
Page Number 567 
Image Dimension 60 x 85 
Page Dimension 250 x 165 
Commentary Reference to captive's tale; the captive sees what there is into the cloth; "Acudí luego a desatar el lienzo, en el cual vi un nudo, y dentro dél venían diez cianíis, que son unas monedas de oro bajo que usan los moros, que cada una vale diez reales de los nuestros" (40:1).
Cervates does not specify if the two other Christians are present or not.
First of four consecutive scenes. 