Madrid 1605
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 | Title page [123] |
| 01.1 Engraved title page [74] |
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 | Frontispiece [175] |
| 02.1 Portrait of Cervantes [79] |
| 02.2 Quixote illustration [74] |
| 02.3 Allegorical/symbolic representations [34] |
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 | Prologue [53] |
| 03.1 Cervantes writing prologue/story [20] |
| 03.2 Cervantes and his “friend” [10] |
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 | Chapter 1 [498] |
| 1.1 DQ at his library reading chivalric novels [244] |
| 1.2 Alonso Quixano (AQ) becomes the knight Don Quixote de la Mancha (DQ) [164] |
| 1.3 AQ names self DQ, his horse (Rocinante), and lady (Dulcinea) [85] |
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 | Chapter 2 [431] |
| 2.1 First sally [173] |
| 2.2 DQ arrives at inn (castle) [143] |
| 2.3 DQ received by ”ladies” [98] |
| 2.4 DQ’s dinner at inn [97] |
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 | Chapter 3 [430] |
| 3.1 DQ at inn [79] |
| 3.2 Vigil of arms [122] |
| 3.3 Fight with muleteer [72] |
| 3.4 DQ knighted at inn by innkeeper [250] |
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 | Chapter 4 [308] |
| 4.1 DQ leaves inn; on the road in search of adventures [20] |
| 4.2 Adventure of Andrés [124] |
| 4.3 DQ frees Andrés from Juan Haldudo [44] |
| 4.4 Adventure of the merchants from Toledo [155] |
| 4.5 DQ attacks the merchants from Toledo [22] |
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 | Chapter 5 [217] |
| 5.1 End of first sally [121] |
| 5.2 DQ rescued by Pedro Alonso [138] |
| 5.3 DQ returns home [108] |
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 | Chapter 6 [167] |
| 6.1 At home, village in La Mancha [15] |
| 6.2 Scrutiny of DQ’s library [148] |
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 | Chapter 7 [229] |
| 7.1 Burning of DQ’s books [28] |
| 7.2 Walling/disappearance of library [25] |
| 7.3 Preparations for second sally [61] |
| 7.4 Sancho Panza agrees to be his squire [86] |
| 7.5 Promise of an island (insula) [46] |
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 | Chapter 8 [659] |
| 8.1 DQ’s second sally with Sancho [67] |
| 8.2 Adventure of the windmills (giants) [417] |
| 8.3 Episode with friars of St. Benedict [101] |
| 8.4 Adventure with the Basque [122] |
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 | Chapter 9 [145] |
| 9.1 Finding of manuscript with continuation of DQ’s story [29] |
| 9.2 Conclusion of adventure with Basque [105] |
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 | Chapter 10 [132] |
| 10.1 SP asks DQ for his insula [36] |
| 10.2 SP healing DQ’s wounds [23] |
| 10.3 DQ and SP talking about Fierabrás’ balsam [15] |
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 | Chapter 11 [147] |
| 11.1 Encounter with shepherds, real and pretended [87] |
| 11.2 Golden Age speech [70] |
| 11.3 Arrival of Antonio; song [18] |
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 | Chapter 12 [98] |
| 12.1 Start of episode and story of Grisóstomo and Marcela [72] |
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 | Chapter 13 [93] |
| 13.1 Episode of Grisóstomo and Marcela, continuation [53] |
| 13.2 Encounter with Vivaldo and Ambrosio [43] |
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 | Chapter 14 [161] |
| 14.1 Episode of Grisóstomo and Marcela, continuation [95] |
| 14.2 Grisóstomo´s song [34] |
| 14.3 Marcela’s appearance and speech [102] |
| 14.4 Burial of Grisóstomo [94] |
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 | Chapter 15 [321] |
| 15.1 Episode of Rocinante and the mares [72] |
| 15.2 Episode of yangüeses (Galicians) [163] |
| 15.3 DQ and SP dialogue about adventures [25] |
| 15.4 DQ and SP arrive at the second inn [86] |
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 | Chapter 16 [265] |
| 16.1 DQ and SP arrival at second inn [107] |
| 16.2 Episode of Maritornes [140] |
| 16.3 DQ fights with muleteer [24] |
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 | Chapter 17 [414] |
| 17.1 DQ resting at the inn [21] |
| 17.2 Balsam of Fierabrás taken by DQ and SP [75] |
| 17.3 SP’s blanketing [276] |
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 | Chapter 18 [389] |
| 18.1 Adventure of the flock of sheep (rebaños) [287] |
| 18.2 SP counting DQ’s teeth [68] |
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 | Chapter 19 [201] |
| 19.1 Adventure of the dead body [171] |
| 19.2 SP names DQ, knight of the sad countenance (triste figura) [10] |
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 | Chapter 20 [234] |
| 20.1 Adventure of the fulling mills (batanes) [186] |
| 20.2 Torralba’s tale by SP [23] |
| 20.3 SP’s tricks DQ [41] |
| 20.4 SP’s mishap (cagada) [37] |
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 | Chapter 21 [372] |
| 21.1 Discourse of DQ about ideal knight [45] |
| 21.2 Encounter with barber [84] |
| 21.3 Adventure of the helmet of Mambrino [297] |
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 | Chapter 22 [348] |
| 22.1 Adventure of the galley slaves (galeotes) [288] |
| 22.2 Dialogue with galeotes [77] |
| 22.3 Encounter with Ginés de Pasamonte [36] |
| 22.4 Liberation of galeotes [101] |
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 | Chapter 23 [334] |
| 23.1 DQ and SP enter Sierra Morena [83] |
| 23.2 SP’s donkey is stolen [91] |
| 23.3 Finding of suitcase [55] |
| 23.4 Encounter with cabrero [42] |
| 23.5 Encounter with Cardenio [72] |
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 | Chapter 24 [178] |
| 24.1 Story of Cardenio [96] |
| 24.2 Don Fernando and Luscinda [7] |
| 24.3 Cardenio attacks DQ and SP [84] |
| 24.4 SP fights with the goatherd [13] |
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 | Chapter 25 [313] |
| 25.1 DQ as Beltenebros proposes to do penance for Dulcinea [118] |
| 25.2 Aldonza Lorenzo’s identity (Dulcinea) [14] |
| 25.3 DQ’s letter to Dulcinea [47] |
| 25.4 SP’s embassy to Dulcinea; [159] |
| 25.5 DQ performs mad acts [160] |
| 25.6 DQ frees Rocinante [11] |
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 | Chapter 26 [170] |
| 26.1 DQ love madness [84] |
| 26.2 SP encounters priest and barber [55] |
| 26.3 Plan to rescue DQ [16] |
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 | Chapter 27 [156] |
| 27.1 Priest and barber encounter wild man Cardenio [20] |
| 27.2 Cardenio’s tells story (Don Fernando and Luscinda) [75] |
| 27.3 Cardenio’s madness [17] |
| 27.4 Priest and barber disguise [51] |
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 | Chapter 28 [277] |
| 28.1 Priest, barber and Cardenio encounter Dorotea [166] |
| 28.2 Dorotea’s story (Don Fernando) [104] |
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 | Chapter 29 [370] |
| 29.1 SP talks to the Priest and barber about DQ [17] |
| 29.2 Dorotea becomes princess Micomicona [75] |
| 29.3 Dorotea kneels before DQ [183] |
| 29.4 Priest and Cardenio encounter DQ [17] |
| 29.5 The barber falling from his mule [25] |
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 | Chapter 30 [262] |
| 30.1 Micomicona’s tale to DQ [49] |
| 30.2 Recovery of Sancho´s donkey [122] |
| 30.3 DQ punishes SP [57] |
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 | Chapter 31 [172] |
| 31.1 SP’s tale of embassy to Dulcinea [70] |
| 31.2 Reappearance of Andrés [63] |
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 | Chapter 32 [131] |
| 32.1 DQ returns to inn of Juan Palomeque [35] |
| 32.2 Night encounter with Maritornes [0] |
| 32.3 Priest discourse about chivalric tales, truth and fiction [43] |
| 32.4 The innkeeper’s books [47] |
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 | Chapter 33 [124] |
| 33.1 Reading at inn of the tale of El curioso impertinente (Anselmo, Lotario and Camila) [118] |
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 | Chapter 34 [131] |
| 34.1 Reading of El curioso impertinente continues [125] |
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 | Chapter 35 [335] |
| 35.1 Reading of El curioso impertinente continues [42] |
| 35.2 Adventure of wineskins [290] |
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 | Chapter 36 [185] |
| 36.1 Arrival of Luscinda, Don Fernando at inn [49] |
| 36.2 Resolution of love affairs of Cardenio and Luscinda, Dorotea and Don Fernando [127] |
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 | Chapter 37 [165] |
| 37.1 Princess Micomicona [65] |
| 37.2 Arrival at inn of captive and Moorish woman (Zoraida) [45] |
| 37.3 DQ speech of arms and letters [42] |
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 | Chapter 38 [76] |
| 38.1 DQ speech of arms and letters continues [61] |
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 | Chapter 39 [110] |
| 39.1 Episode of the captive [98] |
| 39.2 Captive’s tale [104] |
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 | Chapter 40 [102] |
| 40.1 Captive’s tale continues [96] |
| 40.2 Captive´s love for Zoraida [8] |
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 | Chapter 41 [223] |
| 41.1 Captive’s tale continues: Agi Morato [110] |
| 41.2 The captive and Zoraida’s escape in boat [109] |
| 41.3 Captive and Zoraida arrival in Spain [33] |
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 | Chapter 42 [97] |
| 42.1 Arrival of judge (oidor) and lady (Clara) at inn [59] |
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 | Chapter 43 [277] |
| 43.1 Doña Clara’s love tale (Don Luis) [34] |
| 43.2 Maritornes and innkeeper’s daughter hang DQ from window by a hand [231] |
| 43.3 Four travelers arrive at inn [117] |
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 | Chapter 44 [165] |
| 44.1 Don Luis’ story [18] |
| 44.2 DQ’s cowardice to help the innkeeper [33] |
| 44.3 Beginning of the dispute about the packsaddle [84] |
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 | Chapter 45 [197] |
| 45.1 Dispute at inn about the Mambrino’s helmet and packsaddle (albarda) [135] |
| 45.2 DQ being arrested [55] |
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 | Chapter 46 [191] |
| 46.1 DQ proposes Micomicona to continue the journey [9] |
| 46.2 SP argues with DQ and DQ forgives him [46] |
| 46.3 DQ “enchanted” in oxcart (carreta, jaula) [120] |
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 | Chapter 47 [211] |
| 47.1 Departure from inn [165] |
| 47.2 Encounter with canon of Toledo [12] |
| 47.3 Canon’s views about books of chivalry [24] |
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 | Chapter 48 [94] |
| 48.1 Canon attacks chivalric fiction and contemporary theater [30] |
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 | Chapter 49 [101] |
| 49.1 SP and DQ dialogue about his enchantment [28] |
| 49.2 Advice of canon to DQ and response of DQ in defense of chivalric books (libros de caballerías) [46] |
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 | Chapter 50 [130] |
| 50.1 DQ’s tale of the knight of the lake in defense of chivalric fiction [74] |
| 50.2 Encounter with goatherd (cabrero) [28] |
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 | Chapter 51 [106] |
| 51.1 Tale of cabrero (Eugenio) about Leandra’s seduction and abandonment by Vicente de la Rosa [97] |
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 | Chapter 52 [355] |
| 52.1 Fight with the goatherd [47] |
| 52.2 Encounter with penitents (disciplinantes) [148] |
| 52.3 Arrival of DQ and Sancho to their village [62] |
| 52.4 Reunion of SP and wife [42] |
| 52.5 Housekeeper and niece put DQ to bed [31] |
| 52.6 Story ends interrupted for lack of material [9] |
| 52.7 Final verses and epitaphs [34] |