


CIBO    954. Holl, Bruce T. "Gogol's Captain Kopeikin and Cervantes Captive Captain: a Case of Metaparody." The Russian Review 55 (1996): 681-91.


CIBO    955. Garcés, María Antonia. "The Phantom of Desire: A Cervantine Erotics." Tesis doctoral. The Johns Hopkins U, 1994. 264 pp. DAI-A 55/06 (Dic. 1994): 1552. ["A study of the phantom of desire in three of Cervantes' narratives--La historia del cautivo, Coloquio de los perros y El licenciado Vidriera--combining Freudian and Lacanian pyschoanalyis and French feminist theories--notably those of Julia Kristeva--with a historical and sociological approach to the literature of the Spanish Golden Age. The ordeal of the Captive's imprisonment and his desire to be rescued are subsumed by his relationship with Zoraida, the veiled Moorish woman who ultimately brings about their escape together. The representation of the "veiled" or "muffled" Zoraida--la embozada--in terms of a transcendental divinity, a statue covered with precious stones, discloses the structure of the Captive's desire. Her statue-like figure which bespeaks her gradual petrification as object of the Captive's desire represents a projection of a fetishistic erection that protects the subject from the threat of castration."]

CIBO    956. Garza, Baudelio. "El relato de Cardenio y el del cautivo." s.v. Don Quijote I; Crítica.

CIBO    957. Gerli, E. Michael. "Rewriting Myth and History: Discourses of Race, Marginality, and Resistance in the Captive's Tale (Don Quijote I, 37-42)." Refiguring Authority 40-60.

CIBO    958. Hathaway, Robert L. "Suspicions and Suspects: The Captive's Tale." Not Necessarily Cervantes 40-63.

CIBO    959. McGaha, Michael. "Hacia la verdadera historia del cautivo Miguel de Cervantes." Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 20 (1996): 540-46. [Durante su cautiverio en Argel Cervantes tuvo una mora principal enamorada semejante al personaje de Zoraida y esto explica que no lo castigaran severamente tras sus varios intentos de fuga.]

CIBO    960. Rodríguez, Alfred, e Irwin, Angela. "El capitán cautivo de Cervantes: ¿barroca hibridización de historia y folklore?" Anales Cervantinos 32 (1994): 259-63.

CIBO    961. Zimic, Stanislav. "Un sueño romántico de Cervantes: El cuento del cautivo (Don Quijote I, 37-42)." Angélica 6 (1994): 37-66. [Lleva a cabo una nueva exégesis de la historia examinando los sentimientos religiosos y amorosos de Zoraida. En contra de la opinión de la mayoría de la crítica, juzga a la mora cristiana de forma positiva y justifica la pertinencia del cuento en la primera parte del Quijote.]


CIBO    962. Ocho comedias y ocho entremeses. Obra completa. Eds. Sevilla Arroyo, Florencio; Rey Hazas, Antonio. Vol. 3. Alcalá de Henares: Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, 1995. 3 vols. 1993-1995.